Wherever you are on your journey to outstanding governance, Governors’ Virtual Office (GVO) can help you.

From providing a secure location to keep your governors’ information available online at all times, to helping governors become more engaged with the school and its governance. Enabling governors to arrive at meetings fully informed and creating time to spend on focused debate of strategic issues means that GVO can be a great aid to the effectiveness and efficiency of governance.

Governors’ Virtual Office also supports the work of the Clerk and provides process workflows to help Governors fulfil routine tasks more efficiently.

With better information and more time Governors can focus better on fulfilling their core roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and evaluating school performance.

Governors’ Virtual Office is a cloud-based tool designed specifically for school and college governing bodies.

GVO: Supporting Your Journey to Outstanding Governance

A brief video that shows how Governors’ Virtual Office can help you improve your quality of governance (click on image to start video)


Case studies

Here are some examples of schools and colleges that are using Governors’ Virtual Office to support thier outstanding governance. Click on the logos to learn more.







Features Overview

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An online storage facility - designed to your needs - that allows documents to be deposited which can then be accessed by governors whenever they need.

Gives governors access to all relevant papers and documents in one place.

Ability to control access to individual documents to nominated governors only.

Collaborate between meetings by asking and answering questions using the comment function - available on every document, task and event in GVO. By subscribing to a document, users can be alerted automatically to new comments.  

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A facility to help schedule meetings for the Governing Body and for sub-committees and to prepare and distribute meeting packs.

Link meeting papers to the agenda.

Distribute agenda and papers electronically without governors having to handle multiple attachments.

Make virtual meetings easier and more effective by using the Comment function to ask and answer questions on documents. 

Work offline using the function to generate and download a single consolidated PDF of all the meeting papers, each with its own associated comment thread.

Use the meeting attendance register to capture indented participation in a meeting and verify as fact once the meeting has taken place.  Produce reports of meeting attendance for full Board and committee meetings for statutory reporting and publication.

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An online repository for all the school or college policies where they can be accessed when needed without having to refer to the Clerk.

Reminder system highlighting which policies need review.

Policy owner can make new or amended policies available for review.

Governors can add comments, suggestions and questions that all governors can see.

On line ratification or rejection by Governors.

Publish public polices directly to the school website through a unique URL for each school/Board - ensuring one unique version of a document.

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An online calendar that can be maintained and accessed via the world wide web.

Links to the meetings management function to allow governors access to information for each meeting.

News facility where governors with specific responsibilities can keep one another informed between meetings

Governors can hold online discussion on subjects of mutual interest.

Can be used to solicit governors' views on a topic.



Maintain governor records including: governor type, appointing body, term dates, roles, committees and boards. Produce reports to meet statutory requirements. 

Create, store, manage and report training records for your Governing Body or Board.  Allows the GVO Manager or dedicated Training Manager to add/manage training courses, record attendance and mark mandatory training requirements - highlighting when mandatory training is due to expire and/or needs refreshing.

Training records for each governor, as well as the entire Board, can be exported for reporting purposes.

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An online tool to help manage delegated tasks within the Governing Body.

Create a record of tasks that have been allocated to nominated individuals or groups (e.g. sub-committees).

Develop a comprehensive task 'folder' that contains all relevant material.

Track progress towards completion with updates from the nominated task manager.

Generate automatic prompts for tasks that are becoming due.



Use GVO to understand the strengths and development areas for your Governing Board.

GVO comes pre-loaded with the NGA skills audit questions which you can edit easily as required. Have your governors complete the audit to produce a detailed matrix which can be used for reporting purposes.

Colour coding clearly highlights strengths and flags where there may be gaps across the Governing Board.


Governors’ Virtual Office is especially relevant to Multi Academy Trusts.

The following short video shows how to use GVO most effectively within a Multi Academy Trust (click on image to start video):



Details of Pricing for GVO are shown


Governors Virtual Office - Pricing

Pupils on roll 12 months subscription 24 months subscription 36 months subscription
More than 3000 pupils £2235 £4025 £5700
1501 - 3000 pupils £1535 £2765 £3915
1001 - 1500 pupils £1280 £2305 £3265
751 - 1000 pupils £1015 £1825 £2590
501 - 750 pupils £760 £1370 £1940
251 - 500 pupils £620 £1115 £1580
250 pupils or less £510 £920 £1300
Implementation Support
Basic training No charge
3 month support package £195
On-site training £445


  • Prices are valid to 30th September 2024 and include subscriptions for 20 users regardless of the number of boards. Where there are more than 20 users, there is an additional charge of £20 per user per annum, discounted by 10% and 15% respectively for two and three year subscriptions.

  • All prices are subject to VAT.

  • Use of Governors’ Virtual Office is subject to our terms and conditions.

  • Please contact us for details of what is included in Implementation Support Package.

  • Prices subject to change.